Astaxanthin and Diabetes?

Draining the World Wealth Diabetes mellitus is a worldwide epidemic that is critically linked to prevalence of obesity. More than 220 million people have diabetes and by the year 2030 the figures are expected to grow to 360 million. The diabetes is aggressively growing in both emerging and developed country. According to WHO, the Asian […]

Astaxanthin and Hypertension?

Epidemiological and clinical data suggest that dietary carotenoids such as astaxanthin may protect against cardiovascular disease (CVD) which includes hypertension. This condition is associated with blood vessel dysfunction, altered contractility and tone; mediated by relaxant (nitric oxide NO; prostacyclin) and constrictor factors (thromboxane; endothelin) in the blood. Furthermore, blood flow properties serve an important role […]

Astaxanthin for Dyspepsia and Helicobacter Pylori? Dyspepsia is the general term given to a variety of digestive problems localized in the upper abdominal region. Typical symptoms for example include stomach pain, gas, acid-reflux or bloating. Dyspepsia is like the stomach version of the irritable bowel syndrome and its symptoms may appear at any age or to any gender. The medical […]

Why Astaxanthin is Mother Nature’s Most Powerful Anti-aging Molecule?

Strongest Singlet-Oxygen Quencher among anti-aging molecules. Protective Effect of Natural Antioxidants on Human Fibroblasts Astaxanthin vs. other antioxidants Human dermal fibroblasts were pre-incubated with antioxidants before exposure to singlet oxygen, and cell viability was measured to compare the protective efficacy. Purest Antioxidant Molecule because it has no-proxidant activity even when subjected to enormous amount of […]

How does Astaxanthin work?

Astaxanthin is a lipid soluble carotenoid antioxidant. Upon ingestion astaxanthin can be found in all organs of the body. At the cellular level astaxanthin accumulates in the membranes of cells and in the membranes of mitochondria and many others. Astaxanthin has a unique structure that enables the molecule to span the double layer membrane and […]

How does Astaxanthin compare to other antioxidants?

All antioxidants have the same action – neutralizing harmful ROS by quenching or scavenging action. The potency determined by in-vitro tests can indicate the antioxidant capacity. When compared properly, antioxidant potency can vary tremendously. For example: Astaxanthin Singlet oxygen quenching activity in a lipid and water soluble system (Nishida et al., 2007) 6000 times stronger […]

Where does Astaxanthin come from?

Natural astaxanthin is found all over the world, from African lakes to Arctic snowfields. The basic natural source comes from a remarkable microalgae – Haematococcus pluvialis. Predators feed on the Haematococcus and in turn predators feed on those predators. Astaxanthin accumulates further up the food chain and we see the accumulation as red to orange […]

What creates Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)?

All aerobic life depends on oxygen to survive. In humans, ROS is produced by the body as a by-product of breathing and oxygen metabolism. ROS is generated at a higher rate particularly during physical activity. However, certain environmental triggers can also create an increase in ROS production such as pollution, stress, fatty foods and even […]

What is an antioxidant?

Antioxidants are substances that neutralize harmful free radicals such as oxygen radicals and non-radical oxygen containing molecules (ROS). Why are free radicals so bad? Think of them like vampires, but instead of blood, they need electrons to survive. One free radical will take an electron from a healthy molecule, which then turns it into a […]

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